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Commercial Salad Bars & Sandwich Prep Bars
One of the handiest equipments to invest on for a restaurant is commercial salad bars & sandwich prep tables. These are great for specialty food stores, like delis, where people come to eat freshly-made or freshly-gathered food. Salad bars or cooler are great because they keep vegetables fresh and crisp while being displayed. Sandwich prep tables, on the other hand, are great for easy sandwich preparation.
Commercial salad bars & sandwich prep bars are big-ticket investments that can help a lot with your foodservice business. Of course, it's best to put your money in bars that are of good quality as these will offer your better service. But if you really want your bars to last you a long time, you have to ensure regular maintenance. Proper maintenance ensures your bars function well. Regular maintenance doesn't just guarantee equipment efficiency; it also maintains proper hygiene.

Problems you may encounter with commercial
salad bars & sandwich prep bars
When it comes to kitchen equipment, one of the most common things owners forget about is proper maintenance. As mentioned above, commercial salad bars & sandwich prep tables can last longer if they are maintained regularly; and this is regardless if you purchased them as brand-new or second-hand. Here's two of the most common problems people encounter with salad bars or sandwich prep bars:
. A common issue with salad or sandwich bars is hygiene. Fungal growth is very common in areas that are moist; salad and sandwich bars are among these. In the foodservice business, fungal growth in preparation equipment is a no-no as these can cause major health issues. This can be prevented with proper cleaning and maintenance.
. Lack of cooling is a very common bar problem. You see, inside each salad bar or sandwich prep table, there's a cooling mechanism that maintains a certain temperature. With poorly-maintained bars, cooling problems are common. These are usually caused by spikes or abnormalities in the bar's cooling devices, like the compressor. Lack of cooling is bad because it leads to food spoilage. And of course, you don't want to serve your customers spoiled food.
. One last issue worth mentioning is excess cooling. This is related to the previous issues, which is lack of cooling, as both are caused by the same complications. Why is this damaging? You see, excess cooling results in frost. You don't want frost getting into your salad ingredients as these can affect their quality.
How to have your prep bars maintained and serviced
As you can see, proper maintenance is necessary if you want your bars to function well. The recommended frequency of maintenance work is twice month. This way, you get to catch problems with your equipment early. Early detection is good because this way, you can prevent problems from spreading. This can save you a lot of money too because small-scale problems are usually cheaper to repair.
It's easy to have commercial salad bars & sandwich prep tables maintained. The best person for this type of job is a qualified cooling technician. A cooling technician can both maintain and repair salad coolers and sandwich bars.
When it comes to maintenance and repair, the most experienced and highly professional Airflow Appliance Repair technicians are able to help you.
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